German press have recently reported that a Unexploded WWII Bomb (UXB) was found in the Rhine River in Cologne, Germany.

The UXB was reported to be a 500kg WWII bomb that was unearthed during construction work on a shipping channel near the Kennedy embankment in Deutz, and was defused on the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd April.

Düsseldorf district government setup a 500-meter exclusion zone whilst the operation took place, and the Rhine River was closed to shipping for the duration of the operation. Fortunately, the EOD team confirmed that the item of explosive ordnance had been defused, avoiding the need for an evacuation – and local residents and were allowed to return to their homes/offices.

EOD team who defused a 500kg Unexploded WWII bomb in Cologne, Germany.
EOD team who defused a 500kg Unexploded WWII bomb in Cologne, Germany.

The city of Cologne was bombed more than 200 times during WWII and numerous unexploded munitions have been uncovered in the area over the past couple of decades, and this incident emphasises the importance in taking the correct risk mitigation precautions before any ground or underwater investigation works commence.

Video credit © Euronews

How can 1st Line Defence help?

If you encounter a suspicious item on a construction site, the most important thing is not to touch it – move everyone away from the area and contact a UXO Specialist like ourselves, the Police or emergency services for assistance.

If you want to get your project assessed for UXO risk, call +44 (0) 01992 245 020 or email for more information.

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