1st Line Defence have recently been contracted to provide UXO support and create a risk mitigation strategy for a new wind farm site location in Scotland, UK.
The site was part of a wider military armaments training facility that was used during WWII, the use of which left a legacy of UXO contamination in the hills and valleys of the local area.
1st Line Defence had previously supported work at a nearby site location where unexploded weaponry was encountered and removed, and have significant experience of working in the area.
One of the proposed turbine bases was due to be installed at a location where some UXO items had already been recovered. The nature of the finds indicate that this may have been a target area, as both fired projectiles and fragmentation had previously been encountered and reported.
1st Line Defence undertook a Non-intrusive UXO Survey of the site location, the data was processed and a number of targets of interest were selected and prioritised for further investigation.
One of our UXO Target Investigation Teams were sent to Scotland to carefully excavate each of these anomalies. Across a relatively small area the Team recovered several unexploded WWII projectiles, including one 25lb HE projectile (450mm including fuse) plus six 25lb smoke projectiles – which have now been safely removed or disposed of.
Other anomalies that have been found on-site include metal fragments and sections of previously detonated projectiles – these were also removed from site and ground works can now continue to proceed safely.
Following some additional works planned, an on-going UXO Watching Brief is currently being provided in support of open excavation – and we will keep you updated if anything else of interest is recovered during these works.
If you would like more information about how to minimise risk on a current or future site project, or general advice about our UXO Risk Assessments – contact one of our friendly Sales Team on +44 (0) 1992 245020 or email info@1stlinedefence.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help.
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