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Our goal is to make sure that ground workers and machine operators who may come into contact with items of ordnance, have the knowledge to understand the risks involved if they unexpectedly unearth a suspicious item or object on a construction site.
Being aware of the specific risks related to your site is an essential part of any UXO risk mitigation plan, and it also makes sure that principal contractors are fulfilling their duty of care to employees.
One of our experienced UXO Specialists will provide a short talk about the UXO risk tailored specifically to the history of your site, and will include information cards to enable the Toolbox Talk to be carried-out anywhere on-site.
A UXO Toolbox Talk is recommended for any site where a potential risk from UXO has been identified, and this will often be in combination with detection / search / clearance / removal or disposal services.
For sites that have been assessed as low-risk, it is still recommended that a UXO Toolbox Talk is provided so that ground workers and machine operators know the background to the risk, what to look out for – and what to do in the event that a suspicious item is encountered.
On completion of the UXO Toolbox Talk, site staff will be asked to sign a register to confirm that they understand the risks and requirements whilst working on-site.
The UXO Toolbox Talk will cover the following areas:
It is important to note that a UXO Toolbox Talk does not qualify anybody to remove or dispose of UXO should it be encountered. Site workers should always leave the identification, removal and disposal process to the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) experts.
Contact us if you need more information about our UXO Toolbox Talks & Awareness Training services.
Call: +44 (0) 1992 245020 or Email: info@1stlinedefence.co.uk
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